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Parking at Ward Park

Ward Park is one of the most popular outdoors locations in the City of Winter Park.  Because of this, parking can be at a premium on game days and nights.

With 610 players this season, Parking will once again be a challenge.  We recommend that you plan your parking based on where your games will take place.  The league has 4 parking lots available, plus street parking:


  • Field 1 Lot:
    On the corner of St. Andrews and Loch Lomond Drive. 
  • City Lot:
    Across Loch Lomond from the Field 1 lot, this small parcel of city-owned land may be used to parking.
  • Field 3 Lot:
    With an entrance on Loch Lomond Drive, this lot is adjacent to Field 3 and the playground.  This lot has recently been enlarged by the removal of a large, downed tree and the opening of some ground on the west side of the lot.  Additionally, ONE row of parallel parked cars can fit in the middle of this lot.  But no more than one row as additional rows will block other cars in.
  • Field 8 Lot:
    This lot, adjacent to Field 8 and the soccer/lacrosse/football fields, is “L” shaped, with one part running between Field 8 and the other fields, and the other part running between the other fields and Showalter Field.  Entrances are on Perth Lane & Cady Way.
  • Overflow Parking:
    On days of peak usage, the City of Winter Park allows WPBR families to park in the overflow area, which is the access road heading east between Field 7 and Showalter Field.  In this area, drivers should parallel park on either side, as long as you are not blocking the road. 
  • Street Parking:
    Many of the streets around the fields do allow parking, including:
    • The portions of Loch Lomond Drive that border on Ward Park and are adjacent to fields 1, 2, and 3.
    • Nairn Drive, which dead ends into Loch Lomond, right in the middle of Field 2.
    • The portions of Loch Lomond to the west of the Field 3 lot, and all of St. Andrews Blvd are classified as Park at your own risk.

We strongly urge our league families to arrive early for games and practices so that you are not tempted to park in no-parking areas.  Also, the board asks that you be a good neighbor in your parking practices.  Parking in front of the St. Andrew's Church, or in the lawns of the houses adjacent to Ward Park will not help us in our negotiations with the Church or the City.  

These residents and the Church can and will have your vehicle towed.  Please help us be good neighbors by treating their yards with the same respect you would our fields.

Tow/Ticket Zones

The small area in front of St. Andrew’s Church and adjacent to Field 1 has the closest disabled parking spots to Fields 1, 2 and 5.  However the rest of this area is designated as a Load/Unload area ONLY.  All cars parked here will be towed.

The Church Parking Lot, driveway, and the grassy areas of their property are strictly forbidden for baseball parking.  Violators will be, photographed, displayed on the website, and towed.

Likewise, parking is not allowed on Village Lane, or any other areas of the apartment complex to the east of Ward Park.  

How to Invite the WPPD to Come Ticketing

The WPPD has stated that they will not go out of their way to ticket cars at WPBR, with one exception.  If they receive a complaint, the Police will come to Ward Park and ticket every vehicle that is parked illegally. 

The most common complaints come from people whose vehicles are blocked in at the Field 3 Lot and from residents of the neighborhood when their driveways are blocked and/or when people park on their property. 

So, if we all just use some common sense, no one has to worry about tickets.